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Disaster Response & Recovery Workshop

Participants learned to salvage a variety of materials, including paper, photographs and paintings. The workshops were held at Bergen County Law & Public Safety Institute on July 15 and the Camden County College Regional Emergency Training Center on July 22. Speakers from the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts included Dyani Feige, director of preservation services, Jessica Keister, paper & photograph conservator, and Michelle Kinney, preservation specialist.


About NJCAR:


NJCAR’s primary aims are to prevent and mitigate the loss of cultural and historic resources in the event of a disaster and to serve as a statewide resource.

The functions and duties of NJCAR are to engage in the following activities:

Conduct regular steering committee meetings to address pertinent issues regarding emergency preparedness and response.



6/5/19: Disaster Preparedness Workshop

6/10/19: NJCAR Regional Kick off Meeting - Central Jersey


6/12/19: NJCAR Regional Kick off Meeting - North Jersey


6/10/19: NJCAR Regional Kick off Meeting - South Jersey

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